- dividing cell
- делящаяся клетка
i cell — клетка
b cell — -клетка
pus cell — клетка гноя
B-lineage cell — B-клетка
clara cell — клетка Клара
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific. 2015.
i cell — клетка
b cell — -клетка
pus cell — клетка гноя
B-lineage cell — B-клетка
clara cell — клетка Клара
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific. 2015.
cell plate — cell′ plate n. bot (in plant cells) a plate that develops at the midpoint between the two groups of chromosomes in a dividing cell and that then forms the wall between the two daughter cells • Etymology: 1880–85 … From formal English to slang
cell — cell1 cell like, adj. /sel/, n. 1. a small room, as in a convent or prison. 2. any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole. 3. a small group acting as a unit within a larger organization: a local cell of the… … Universalium
cell plate — noun : a disk formed in the phragmoplast of a dividing plant cell, marking the beginning of separation into two daughter cells, developing gradually from the center toward the parent cell, and eventually forming the true middle lamella of the… … Useful english dictionary
Cell cycle — The sequence of events within the cell between cell divisions. The cell cycle is conventionally divided into the following phases: {{}}G0 (G zero, the G standing for gap) G1, (G one, the first gap) S (synthesis phase during which the DNA is… … Medical dictionary
cell plate — (in plant cells) a plate that develops at the midpoint between the two groups of chromosomes in a dividing cell and that is involved in forming the wall between the two new daughter cells. [1880 85] * * * … Universalium
Cell culture — in a Petri dish Epithelial cells in culture, stained for keratin (red) an … Wikipedia
cell plate — n a disk formed in the phragmoplast of a dividing plant cell that eventually forms the middle lamella of the wall between the daughter cells … Medical dictionary
cell cycle — cell′ cy cle n. lab cbl the cycle of growth and asexual reproduction of a cell, consisting of interphase followed in actively dividing cells by prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase • Etymology: 1970–75 … From formal English to slang
Cell cycle — For the separation of chromosomes that occurs as part of the cell cycle, see mitosis. For the Academic journal, see Cell Cycle. Each turn of the cell cycle divides the chromosomes in a cell nucleus. The cell cycle, or cell division cycle, is the… … Wikipedia
Cell division — is the process by which a parent cell divides into two or more daughter cells. Cell division is usually a small segment of a larger cell cycle. This type of cell division in eukaryotes is known as mitosis, and leaves the daughter cell capable of… … Wikipedia
Cell (biology) — Allium cells in different phases of the cell cycle … Wikipedia